Alliance for a Viable Future is captivated by the vision of observing Indigenous Peoples’ Day. We believe this monumental day represents a paradigm shift – from the worldview of colonization to the renewal of a story of reconciliation, the regeneration of earth-based culture and unity among all nations. This year, we are creating a four-event series to build community in the Berkshire to heal our history and walk into the future, together. |
Equinox Fire Ceremony & Potluck
@April Hill(Greenagers), Egremont, MA
Thursday, September 23rd | 6:00 – 8:00pm
Nature-based cultures tend to celebrate the change of seasons. Here in the Northeast, the transition from summer to autumn is magnificent. Let’s honor this moment together, build community, and bring our hearts and minds together, as one, to prepare for Indigenous People’s Day.
6:00 – 7:30 | Equinox Fire Ceremony to Prepare for Indigenous People’s Day
7:30 – 8:00 | Potluck & Connect by the Fire
Listening Deeply: Indigenous Voice Panel Discussion
Friday, October 1st | 6:00 – 8:00pm
Unitarian Universalist Meeting of South Berkshire
What’s the purpose of Indigenous People’s Day? Where did it come from? Why does it matter?
In this panel discussion, we will explore the history of this event, what it represents and symbolizes, and how it is an essential part of the movement for Climate Leadership. Most importantly, we will connect the dots between honoring Indigenous Values and strengthening our community’s resilience to climate change.
@Gazebo Park in Great Barrington,
Monday, October 11th
11:00am – 2:00pm
Come together with your whole community, and join Native American Community Leaders from around the Northeast, and the whole country, to observe this important holiday.
Integration & Next Steps Workshop
@Unitarian Universalist
Meeting of South Berkshire
Sunday, October 17th
1:30 – 4:30pm
Let’s take time to integrate this powerful experience and clarify our next steps; together – as a community. What new insights did you have because you participated in these events? What new sense of community do you now feel? What commitments are emerging, in regards to next steps for the year to come? How can we support each other to deepen our efforts arround climate resilience in our communities? This is where the rubber hits the road.
3 Powerful Reasons to Support Indigenous Peoples’ Day #1) Observing Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a step toward truth and reconciliation with indigenous people. Acknowledging the dark past is not an exercise in guilt or shame – quite the opposite, truth and reconciliation sparks a discussion, and instills a sense of living history, it moves us from being a passive observer to establishing relationships and connections. It’s empowering for everyone. Moreover, truth and reconciliation is a key step in building civic engagement. As Stacey McKenna writes: “coming to terms with the past may be key to building a more civil society going forward. If the increasingly diverse and widespread protests against police brutality and systemic racism are any indication, we are ready.” #2). Truth and reconciliation with indigenous people right here in the Berkshires reinforces a local pride based on integrity. At Indigenous Peoples’ Day this year, there will be representatives from the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohicans and an opportunity to hear from them, to engage with them on their ancestral lands – the land we love here in the Berkshires. The Berkshires is home to incredible flora and fauna, and a vibrant culture of food, agriculture and the arts. The Berkshires we love is a “land-based heritage.” Indigenous cultures have been present in the Berkshires for thousands of years. It is invigorating to acknowledge the ancestral connections to our mountains, rivers and valleys. #3) Alliance for a Viable Future (AVF) honors indigenous voices as role models in the work of climate leadership. An intelligent response to our climate emergency needs more than technical solutions. We must cultivate a respectful attitude rooted in our commitment to care for nature and all people. To do this, we must widen our circle of collaboration and partnership, to not only include indigenous people, but to learn from them and follow their lead. |
NAACP Berkshire County is a sponsor for these events.