The MCLA physics department will host NASA engineer Dr. Renee Horton as our fall Physics Speaker on Thursday September 12th. Dr. Horton was the 2nd female president of the National Society of Black Physicists, she is a fierce disabilities rights activist through Lighthouse Louisiana, and the founder of Unapologetically Being, Inc., a nonprofit for advocacy and mentoring in STEM. More info about Dr. Horton can be found at her website.
The physics department created the Physics Speaker Series through the TEAM-UP Together EXCEL grant we received earlier this year. This grant is administered by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) with the mission of doubling the number of African American students earning a bachelor’s degree in physics or astronomy by 2030. Our first speaker was Dr. Trevor Rhone from RPI.
Dr. Horton’s talk will be a free, public talk open to the entire Berkshire County community.