Environmental injustices, including climate change, have a disproportionate impact on communities of color and low income communities in the Berkshires, the United States, and around the world. This committee works with the community to:
- reduce harmful pollutants and emissions, including greenhouse gases, with advocacy to strengthen development, monitoring, and enforcement of regulations at federal, state, and local levels.
- promote energy efficiency and clean energy solutions that provide good, local jobs equitably.
- ensure that our community is equipped to engage in sustainability/climate action planning that integrates policies and practices that advance food justice, transportation equity, upholds civil and human rights in emergency management, and facilitates participatory democracy.
The next committee meeting is tomorrow, Thursday, October 21 at 6 PM on Zoom. They will be discussing Peaking Power Plants, a new pollution source in our community, and more.
For contact information to get the meeting Zoom link, use this link Environmental & Climate Justice Committee
Committee members need to be Branch members. Not a member? go here https://www.naacpberkshires.org/join/