Communications, Press and Publicity Committee

January 2023


The Communications, Press, and Publicity Committee seeks to promote media content consistent with fundamental NAACP goals which include the elimination of racial isolation and fear and the furtherance of multiracial and cultural understanding. We coordinate the external communications of the branch, supporting the work of each sub-committee and the branch at large. 


Currently, the committee meets virtually the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM and communicates via email between meetings.

Annual Goals

To distribute a bimonthly e-newsletter to all branch members with branch events and meeting announcements, committee updates, news from national NAACP, and relevant content from local community organizations. 

To engage and promote the work of the branch, National NAACP, and partner organizations/causes on social media. 

To write, review, and release all press/media information so the general public can stay up to date with what the branch/committees are working on.

To grow our membership and to encourage more people to become involved in anti-racism work.

Current Activities

  • create a visual identity that is easily deployable for social media, communications, public relations, tabling events, and more,
  • review communication structures and protocols to ensure the branch is operating and communicating effectively and efficiently, and
  • update the website, identifying where information can be added and/or condensed with a keen eye for new members or community members who are looking to join.

Committee Co-Chairs: Darcie Sosa and Kate Hocker –

Connect with the Branch: FacebookInstagram