NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner

Each year, the Berkshire County chapter of the NAACP hold its annual fundraising event, honoring a member of the community who has gone above and beyond in standing up for quality of opportunity for all.

Join us for the award ceremony, dinner and dancing, and a keynote address by Williams College’s Vice President for Institutional Diversity and Equity, Leticia Haynes, Ph.D, J.D.

Ms. Haynes was previously at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund for seven years, where she served as the interim director of Education Practice. Leticia earned her Ph.D. in educational leadership and policy analysis at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where her dissertation was titled “No More Profiling in the Classroom: A Midsize Urban School District’s Efforts to Close the Achievement Gap.” She also obtained her J.D. at Wisconsin.

She also teaches on race, education, and the law at Penn Law School; speaks on these issues to audiences across the country; and is often quoted in national media.

Tickets are $30 per person or $50 for couples. To reserve tickets please contact Marlena Willis at 413-841-6383 or


Nov 05 2016 - Nov 06 2016


Italian Itam Lodge
Italian Itam Lodge Pittsfield MA United States 01201
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