January 2022
The Berkshire County Branch’s Political Action Committee (PAC) will support the NAACP’s mission to ensure political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and eliminate race-based discrimination. The PAC works to ensure voter empowerment through providing awareness, training, voter registration, education, and election participation. The NAACP has developed a nonpartisan voter empowerment program designed to empower Black, Brown, and people of color by increasing awareness and participation in the electoral process.
- Promote speakers and discussions regarding relevant political actions;
- Issue-focused political action notifications through email and social media;
- Promote participation in local, state, and national elections;
- Facilitate engagement with elected officials;
- Work towards diversity and inclusion in all municipal boards and commissions;
- Partner with local, state, and national civic organizations;
- Inform the electorate of candidate views;
- Hold elected officials accountable;
- Collaborate with other NAACP committees.
Currently, the PAC meets on the first Thursday of every month at 6:00 PM. Please email Helen: (moonformass@gmail.com) for details if you wish to attend.
Annual Goals
Goals are in the process of being established and will be published when completed.
Current Activities
- Hold candidate forums for 2022 elections
- Sponsor local legislators to discuss relevant bills;
- Assist with the Gray to Green project;
- Advocate for relevant local, state, and federal legislation that aligns with the mission and vision of the NAACP;
- Collaborate with the League of Women Voters to register community members to vote at community events;
- Legislator report cards.
Co-Chairs and contact information
Helen Moon: moonformass@gmail.com
Kamaar Taliaferro: kamaart93@gmail.com