COVID-19 – Safe food shopping

NEAC President Juan Cofield has sent out a link to a short video describing how to safely shop for groceries and take-out...

COVID-19 and Housing

Greater Boston Legal Services has prepared a flier describing the status of housing issues in the court system in response to COVID-19. The English version is here.Download The Spanish version is here. Download

COVID-19 Legislation Explained

Two summaries make it easier to understand what is in the CARES Act, the legislation recently enacted to help address problems created by COVID-19. The Senate Democrats have issued this summary. Download The NAACP Washington Bureau has issued this extensive summary....

NEAC announces meeting changes due to COVID-19

Juan Cofield, President of the New England Area Conference (NEAC) of the NAACP has announced changes regarding two scheduled events. The quarterly meeting of the conference scheduled for June 13th has been cancelled. Whether it will be held by conference call is still...